The exhibition To Weave Dreams presents a collection of author’s works that rediscover and use in a new way some old weaving techniques, textual ornamentation and colouring. The textiles, created with natural materials, are original interpretations on the basis of traditional patters and consist of multiform plastic decisions. The creative works of Stoina Krastanova are set up on extremely good knowledge of the traditional techniques and technologies in weaving, embroidering and ornamenting, on the stylish characteristics and local artistic specificities of the textile. This gives her an opportunity to work freely with the materials and to search for convincing author’s decisions in the spirit of the Bulgarian art.
Stoina Krastanova was born on the 31
st of December, 1923 in the village of Galabovo, Plovdiv. She worked actively in the field of the textile crafts (embroidery and cloths) for many years, recreating the Bulgarian cultural heritage. As she became aware of the need to preserve and hand down her experience, she had more than 50 students from the next generations.
The master Stoina Krastanova proved her talent and creative manifestation through her participation in varied exhibition in our country and abroad. She presented her works in six one-man exhibitions (in 1973, 1976, 1979, 1985, 2001, 2009, 2016). For her excellent achievements explicitly speak the great number of awards – a diploma and gold medal for high achievements in the field of folk crafts and arts (in 1985, 1987, 1988), a Silver Medal of Labour, and in 1987 she received the title Honoured Master of Folk Crafts and Arts.
To Weave Dreams – Interview with Krasimira Krastanova – Founder of Stoina Krastanova Foundation